Tiffany Woys Releases New Single, I’m Your Woman

A rising female country music artist, Tiffany Woys has a special treat for fans as she just released a brand new single today ahead of Valentine’s Day entitled, I’m Your Woman!

The brand new track is Tiffany Woys’ first cut as a songwriter. “It’s really the first time I can say they are my words and my story,” she shared on social media. She co-wrote the song along with fellow songwriters, Lynn Hutton, Tammi Kidd Hutton and Cameron Newby. It tells the story of believing in love, and hoping to find your own version of your perfect fairytale. Continue reading

Macy Krew Releases Girl Next Door

A upcoming country music artist, Macy Krew has recently released a brand new single on August 25th entitled, Girl Next Door

The country singer has been known to release empowering songs for women and this single by Krew is no exception. This sassy new single talks about how a woman is confident about herself and knows her worth. It was written by Macy Krew, Whitney Miller, Nicole Croteau and Kelly Seidel Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE: The Joy Reunion Talks About New Single, Let Her Run

A upcoming country music trio, The Joy Reunion just released a brand new single today entitled, Let Her Run! It’s been a exciting time in their lives as they were featured on the last season of NBC’s The Voice

The incredible trio includes three members, Robert Easley, Gentry Monreal and Neil Morrison. Recently, The CMBeat got to chat with the band exclusively to talk about their new single, Let Her Run! Continue reading

Alex Miller Releases Traditional New Country Single

There’s a newcomer in country music who is ready to release a lot of new traditional music. You may recognize Alex Miller from his time on American Idol in Season 19 last year. 

The artist just released his new single, Don’t Let The Barn Door Hit Ya which is the second single Miller has released since being on the popular television show and is followed by his first single, I’m Over You So Get Over Me Continue reading