Exclusive Interview with Jennifer Smestad

A upcoming country music artist, Jennifer Smestad is making her way in the country music scene and has a brand new single to share which she just released today!

The singer songwriter recently got to chat with me about some of her favorite artists and who she would love to do a collaboration with. Along with that, Smestad talked about how music has helped her through some personal challenges and the story behind her new single out today, Can’t Have Mine! Continue reading

Exclusive Interview with 3 and Twenty

There’s a great upcoming country music duo, 3 and Twenty, and they are making their way through the country music scene! The duo was created by band members, Butch Gibson and Adrian Lee, who were both born and raised in South Carolina!

The guys from 3 and Twenty recently had time to chat with me about several things including some of their musical influences and how they became interested in music. Along with that, they talked about releasing their latest single, Wasted On You on Silverado Records’ album, and things they want to do in 2020 including releasing new music! Continue reading